Paul T. Louis
Christ University, Bangalore
Paper Title: “Digital Awakening: Notion of Religious Communication in a Virtual World”
This paper explores the religious
presence and communication in the virtual world. The growth of the media in the
virtual world takes new dimensions in many societies often leapfrogging
intermediate developments. New social media environments seem to influence all
aspects of life including religion. Religion also makes its presence with new
forms of communication in the virtual world. Within the context of McLuhan’s
theory of extension, the religious narratives need new forms of presence in the
digital world. When it comes to diffusion of innovation (Everett Rogers) the
state of religions seems precarious. From a communication perspective
innovation by religions can come under the category of ‘laggards’ and ‘luddites’.
Being based on the idea of revelation and a system of autopoiesis, religion
seems like a closed communicator to the world. The challenges of the virtual
world create new avenues for religious communications. The transference of
religious presence from the real to the virtual might need some new innovative
and participatory models to serve the digital natives.
T. Louis is a research scholar in Media Studies at Christ University. He holds
his Graduate degree in Communication and Technology (MACT) from University of
Alberta, Canada. He has Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application from MKU,
Madurai. He worked over a decade as pastor in Canada and spent his sabbatical
in Kenya, Africa.