Anto Amarnad


Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bangalore

Paper Title: Does god have a future? a philosophico-theological appraisal


Does God have a future? It is not the Man who decides the future of God. The power of consciousness in human beings urges him/her to believe in God’s existence. The idea of God did not evolve from one particular point and developed in a linear style to reach its final conception. The idea of God is as old as the thinking human beings. The pre-agricultural religion arose upon the earth as a worship of seen, unseen, natural, and supernatural powers. Karen Armstrong, quotes Wilhelm Schmidt in her Book A History of God: “In the beginning, human beings created a God who was the first Cause of all things and Ruler of heaven and earth. Gradually, he faded from the consciousness of his people. He had become so remote that they decided that they did not want him anymore.” In the modern and postmodern times, in many corners of our world, religion and faith in God seem irrelevant. One of the reasons is that many men and women no longer have the sense that we are surrounded by the unseen. Our scientific culture educates us to focus our attention on the physical and tangible material world. Others find God’s absence and lack of his intervention during the suffering and death of innocents. Auschwitz holocaust became a case against God. Still others believe that the concept of God is the greatest hindrance for human freedom. Consequently many scholars have edited out the sense of the ‘spiritual’ or ‘holy’ which pervades the lives of people in more traditional societies. We find a real friction between the seen and unseen, matter and spirit in our Philosophical and theological arguments. By bringing the thoughts of great minds this paper examines the question: Does God have a future? The speaker argues that God has a future and without Him we are not humans and we do not have a future.

Fr. Anto Amarnad CMI is a professor of DVK, teaches Pastoral, Catechetical and Systematic Theology. He holds an M Th in Systematic Theology from Dharmaram Pontifical Institute and an L Th and a Th D in Youth, Pastoral and Catechetics from Salesian University, Rome. He also holds a Diploma in Pastoral Counselling from EAPI Philippines. He worked as the Director of Diocesan Communication Centre in Sagar, Lecturer in Khrist Premalaya, Ashta, M.P. Programme Coordinator at Poornodaya Missionary Training Centre, Bhopal, Vice Rector and the Dean of Theology at Samanvaya Theological College, Bhopal. He has composed over 600 hymns and Bhajans and released over 55 Music Albums. He is the author of many articles and few Books in the Catechetical and Liturgical subjects.